The Anatolian Atlas is an open-source standardized geospatial database that combines the results of various archaeological surveys and excavation projects in Turkey. The project includes an interactive map that provides an overview of the archaeological survey results and a bibliography. The Atlas has been developed by ISAC scholars in CAMEL, and collaborates with other projects to access new data. The Anatolian Atlas is a work in progress; new information will be added as more survey data are digitized and new data is shared with the project. It records the basic information regarding the sites, including name, geographical coordinates, occupation periods, size, and publication. All the sites recorded within the project have been checked by analysts against modern satellite imagery. However, many locations remain approximate, particularly for small or non-mounded sites, due to inaccurate maps, pre-GPS publications, and inconsistent survey methodologies.
Anatolian Atlas
![Screenshot of Anatolian Atlas webgis](